

What a wild last few days! We lost power Sunday night and didn’t get it back until last night. Of course, we are some of the lucky ones. Mom and Dad may not have power for another week. Now, we are forecast to get 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow! Anyway, a lot of the ice thawed today. Of course, that caused it’s own problems. We lost power again for a few hours and some people are still off that had regained power. The ice falling off the lines and falling ice causing more limbs to fall are the cause this time. Anyway, here are a few pictures of the thawing today.

[photopress:IMG_0399_resize.JPG,thumb,pp_image] [photopress:IMG_0393_resize.JPG,thumb,pp_image] [photopress:IMG_0391_resize.JPG,thumb,pp_image] [photopress:IMG_0390_resize.JPG,thumb,pp_image]

I also added more photos of the Ice Storm at

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